
We mine to build wealth through the development of our people, partnering with local communities to drive economic growth and the value we deliver to our shareholders


MMG成立于2009年,愿景是o create a leading international mining company for a low carbon future. 我们致力于为人民创造财富, host communities and shareholders with an ambition to grow and diversify our resource, 生产与价值, 利用中国和国际的专业知识. 

我们被自己的信念所引导 行为准则 以及我们安全第一的价值观, 相互尊重, 一起工作, 按照我们说的去做,想要变得更好.

We are committed to responsible environmental and social performance and effective governance of our operations.

我们经营和开发铜矿, 锌和其他贱金属项目, 刚果民主共和国和秘鲁.

总部位于墨尔本, 澳大利亚, we are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEx 1208) with an international shareholder base.

长期展望, 我们对采矿的骄傲, our commitment to shared international standards and our respect for people, 土地和文化是我们成功的基础.



MMG’s major shareholder is 中国五矿集团公司 (CMC). Founded in 1950, CMC is one of China’s major multinational state-owned enterprises. It is a major international organisation involved in the development, 生产, trading and integrated services of metals and minerals, 除了它的财政, 房地产和物流部门/业务.

CMC的子公司中国五矿股份有限公司(China Minmetals H.K. (Holdings) Limited (Minmetals HK) currently owns approximately 67.占MMG总股份的68%,其余32人.32% owned by public shareholders including global resources and investment funds.


的稳定性,大小和洞察力 中国五矿集团公司  为我们公司提供了竞争优势.

作为一家主要的金属和矿产公司, 中国五矿集团公司 provides a unique insight into global commodity demand. Our relationship allows MMG to draw upon networks and extensive distribution and marketing channels in China’s base metals market.

In an industry where lead times can extend for years and even decades, 中国五矿集团公司 brings a solid financial foundation, 资产负债表灵活性, access to Chinese financial institutions and a long-term investment view. 和, 作为一个重要的矿工和大宗商品交易商, 中国五矿集团公司 brings the benefit of technical skills and cross-cultural awareness.

Above all, it is a relationship supported by trust and confidence. Our international leadership team has the delegated authority from its Board to manage day-to-day operations in line with best practice.

We believe this relationship gives us the best of all worlds.


Our company, MMG Limited, was originally known as ‘Minerals and Metals Group’.

Minerals and Metals Group was formed in 2009年6月 following the purchase of the majority of assets of OZ Minerals Limited (OZ Minerals) by 中国五矿集团公司 (CMC) through its subsidiary China Minmetals Non-ferrous Metals Co. (复合材料).

2010年12月, Minerals and Metals Group was acquired by Minmetals Resources Limited, CMC的子公司, that was listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Stock Code: 1208).

2012年9月, the company changed its registered English company name from Minmetals Resources Limited to MMG Limited to align the assets already operating as ‘MMG’ with the registered company name.

MMG completed a secondary listing on the 澳大利亚n Securities Exchange (ASX) in 2015年12月. MMG securities was listed on the ASX through Chess Depository Instruments (CDI) under the ticker code ‘MMG’. On 4 December 2019 MMG Limited was formally delisted and ceased trading shares on the ASX.



Minmetals Resources Limited (Minmetals Resources) is incorporated in Hong Kong. 其业务重点是大宗商品交易和制造业.


Minmetals Resources is listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited under Stock Code 1208.



矿物和金属集团成立 following CMC’s acquisition of the majority of OZ Minerals’ assets through CMC’s subsidiary CMN. 包括《cq9传奇电子官方网站》, 金色的树林, 罗斯伯里 and Sepon mines; the Dugald River and Izok Corridor development projects; and a range of exploration tenements. MMG由CMN全资拥有.


Minmetals Resources, CMC的子公司, acquires Minerals and Metals Group. Approximately 72% shares of shares in Minmetals Resources are owned by CMN, 28%为公众所有.


五矿资源第762期,612,000 ordinary shares to independent third parties and 1,560,000,000 ordinary shares to CMN following the conversion by CMN Of perpetual sub-ordinated convertible securities (PSCS).


五矿资源有条件地剥离交易, fabrication and downstream businesses to CMN in order to focus on its upstream base metals' assets. The divested assets, predominantly located in China, included Minmetals Aluminium Co. 有限公司.,华北铝业有限公司. 有限公司.,华北铝业有限公司. 有限公司., Yingkou Orienment Plica Tube Company Limited and Changzhou Jinyuan Copper Co.有限公司. 以及它们各自的子公司. 五矿铝业有限公司的销售. 有限公司.、华北铝业有限公司. 有限公司. were completed in December 2011 and the sales of Yingkou Orienment and Changzhou Jinyuan were completed in May 2012.


Minmetals Resources acquires Anvil Mining Limited which includes the Kinsevere mine and Mutoshi development project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).


The company changes its registered English company name from Minmetals Resources Limited to MMG Limited.


国信国际投资有限公司. 中信金属股份有限公司.有限公司 purchase the Las Bambas project from Glencore plc.


MMG completed a secondary listing on the 澳大利亚n Securities Exchange (ASX). MMG securities are listed on the ASX through Chess Depository Instruments (CDI) under the ticker code 'MMG'.


MMG 罗斯伯里成立80周年. 实现了拉斯班巴斯的商业化生产.


第一批货从Dugald River运来.




De-listed from ASX but maintains its primary listing of shares under the stock code of 1208 on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.


Minmetals Resources is listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited under Stock Code 1208.


Minmetals Resources, CMC的子公司, acquires Minerals and Metals Group. Approximately 72% shares of shares in Minmetals Resources are owned by CMN, 28%为公众所有.


五矿资源有条件地剥离交易, fabrication and downstream businesses to CMN in order to focus on its upstream base metals' assets. The divested assets, predominantly located in China, included Minmetals Aluminium Co. 有限公司.,华北铝业有限公司. 有限公司.,华北铝业有限公司. 有限公司., Yingkou Orienment Plica Tube Company Limited and Changzhou Jinyuan Copper Co.有限公司. 以及它们各自的子公司. 五矿铝业有限公司的销售. 有限公司.、华北铝业有限公司. 有限公司. were completed in December 2011 and the sales of Yingkou Orienment and Changzhou Jinyuan were completed in May 2012.


The company changes its registered English company name from Minmetals Resources Limited to MMG Limited.


MMG completed a secondary listing on the 澳大利亚n Securities Exchange (ASX). MMG securities are listed on the ASX through Chess Depository Instruments (CDI) under the ticker code 'MMG'.


第一批货从Dugald River运来.


De-listed from ASX but maintains its primary listing of shares under the stock code of 1208 on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
